Santosh Helekar says:
No reasonable person would regard it as common sense
to question the motives of a professional scientist
simply because his scientific findings are
inconsistent with one's preconceived unscientific
ideology. Most reasonable people would regard it as
prejudice borne out of scientific ignorance and/or an
ideological agenda.

Mario replies:
As I have said before, this is the gullible school of
environmentalism, which ignores all the contradictory
evidence on global warming in order to make claims of
the future based on phony readings of computer models.
 Garbage in garbage out.

The environmental alarmist movement is dominated by
researchers looking for grant money, and socialists
who see this as their last hope of bringing western
industry down to the lowest common denominator, which
is why they exempt India and China from their
suggested solutions.

For a discussion by an environmental expert who
provides an opposing view to that Santosh pushes visit
the University of Virginia web site:

Finally, Santosh says: 0.02% of carbon monoxide in the
atmosphere can kill you in a few hours. 
Unfortunately, anyone who remembers basic chemistry
would know that carbon monoxide cannot stay as carbon
monoxide for "a few hours" in the atmosphere without
turning into carbon dioxide.

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