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--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maurice,
> I had kept an open mind on CO generated  global
> warming for quite some time. 
> However, with all the evidence now available to us,
> I'd like to share your 
> position on this critical matter without hesitation.
> Further, the fellow 
> from the USA who goes on about the amount of CO
> emitted by India and China 
> currently, (which is admittedly high), fails to say
> that the USA generates 
> more than these two countries put together.
Mario observes:
Cornel has provided some evidence of what is in play
in the global warming controversy - an envy of the US
and its mighty industrial capability, and a desire to
bring it down to the lowest common denominator through
the back door of extreme and mandatory environmental
controls, which the socialists like Cornel failed to
achieve through the front door.
At the same time Cornel has failed to say anything
about what his comments mean in terms of blaming
humans for whatever global warming is taking place.

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