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Dear Mario,
Thank you for the novella that you've taken time to
write. Thank you also for updating us once again how
right-wing conservatives are so concerned about
abortion and "creating a culture" of life, while
simultaneously not really being concerned about the
living. Why else would they be against gun control,
stem-cell research, gay rights and anything else that
might make life more livable and lovable for a
multitude of people.

Secondly, just as you are so certain that some posters
on this board are anti-Christian or not following your
rock solid code of conduct, you seem to be very
certain about what lies in the heart of every parent
who decides to take this very painful decision. That
they are just "abortion-happy" as you put it, and that
they would like nothing better than to tear their
babies from limb to limb and discard them like thrash.
Incidentally, it's spelt trash :)

I suspect your outrage is not at all about female
foeticide in India but about abortion in general. As
such I have no desire to get into a protracted debate
about the morality of abortion. It's an individual
decision and each individual is blessed with their own
moral compass to guide them in taking this decision. I
am not their moral custodian nor do I have any wish to
impose my code of conduct on anyone else. 

If we do so, we are assuming that people primarily are
incapable of making their own decisions in life and
must be "legislated into subservience" at every point.
I find this hard to take coming from a man who
routinely reminds us that micro-managing economy
policy is detrimental to the natural laws of the
market. Apparently micro-managing morality doesn't
have the same effect.


--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> I was wondering when your "left-wing intellectual"
> ideology would get around to supporting abortion,
> which you say is an "undisputed" right.  How can you
> then turn around and say you find only female
> foeticide abhorrent?  
> >
> Since you abhor only female foeticide as the mother
> of
> a daughter, does this ipso facto mean that male
> foeticide is OK with you?  You have already said you
> support elective foeticide which is what abortion
> is.
> >
> While I agree 100% that any woman and/or parent
> should
> have an "undisputed" right to decide whether they
> want
> children or not, once conception occurs, it gets far
> more complicated.  I'm pretty sure the foetus they
> create would strenuously dispute whether it should
> be torn limb from limb and discarded like thrash.> >

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