--- Bosco D'Mello wrote about Mario:
> It is presumptious of him to assert that I have not 
> been following this thread. Its because I have 
> been following this thread, that I have attempted to
> get a clear answer from the participants. Mario has 
> only responded with generalities that he usually 
> accuses others of. He has failed to answer my
> specific query. 
Mario responds:
I am now forced to waste everyone'e time by showing
that Bosco has not been following this thread as he
says he has.
In my post seen in URL
I listed three very specific points, even titled them
POINT and asked Bosco for specific responses.  In
response he falsely characterises these as
"generalities".  See for yourself if these are general
or specific.
Bosco writes:
> I don't see a difference between Gilbert & Mario's 
> point of view because they are both supporting the 
> view of the subject thread : "The rock solid 
> Christian moral code" and inherently supporting the 
> view that followers of specfic religions, 
> are morally superior to Atheists and Agnostics.
Mario responds:
This too, is false.  The discussion has not been about
the Christian moral code at all.  Again, in the URL
I said:
a) POINT: The discussion is NOT about the rock solid
Christian moral code.  It is about the moral
equivalence of the moral codes of all major morally
based groups, including groups that may be atheist
according to Santosh, their universal spokesman, like
the Jains and Buddhists, versus the moral codes of
unorganized individual atheists like those on Goanet.
I say it is conditional simply because we have no idea
what unorganized individual atheists are up to.  The
attackers insist that there IS a universal moral
equivalence, without explaining how they would know.
[end of excerpt]
What about my simple prose did Bosco find so hard to
understand?  Just see my opening sentence above.
Bosco writes:
> It's disappointing to note that Gilbert and Mario
> were both unable to respond to a direct question. 
Mario responds:
Yet another falsehood, that I did not respond to, "I
requested you both to list the moral codes you are
supporting."  Again, in the URL
I said: 
b) POINT: Members of morally based groups, by
definition, sign on to the group's moral code, many of
which have been established over centuries of
experience.  For example, Christians have the Golden
Rule and the Ten Commandments.  Sai Baba has a good
one too.  Everyone knows what these are. [end of
Bosco, as a Christian, what about the above paragraph
did you not understand?  Since you have allegedly been
following this thread so diligently  don't you know
what the Christian Golden Rule and the Ten
Commandments are?  Also, Sai Baba's moral code has
been repeated several times as anyone following this
thread would know.
Bosco quotes me and responds::
> 1) I say it is conditional simply because we have no
> idea what unorganized individual atheists are up to.
> RESPONSE: Its quite possible that Atheists say the
> same thing about us when we claim to be morally 
> superior.
Mario responds:
Yet another blatant falsehood.  I made no claim of
moral superiority, either for Christians, on whom
Bosco is fixated, or other morally based groups, which
is what I have been referring to, as anyone who has
followed this thread would know.  
Again, in the URL
I said: 
b) POINT: Unorganized individual atheists may have
excellent, even superior, moral codes than members of
morally based groups, or they may not, but these are
private to them - i.e. home made. [end of excerpt] 
Bosco, what about "...excellent, even superior..." did
you not understand that led you to say that I claimed
to be morally superior to the atheists?
Bosco quotes me and responds:
> 2) For example, Christians have the Golden Rule and
> the Ten Commandments.
> RESPONSE: I wonder if the majority of Christians, we
> know personally, can accurately recite the 10 
> Commandments, let alone follow them to the Tee.
Mario observes:
In this same post Bosco said that I had not responded
to his request to state the moral codes that I was
supporting.  Now he amazingly lists one of them.  Is
this a case of short term memory loss, within ONE
post, or a comprehension problem?
But look at his response.  Having finally found a
moral code he said I had not mentioned, he wonders if
the majority of Christians know the moral code!!  
Here is a guy defending unorganized individual
atheists where the proposition is that no one knows
for sure what moral code each one of them is
following, and his response is that "the majority" of
Christians may not know the moral code they are taught
from age 6 or 7.  What kind of twisted logic is that?
Bosco quotes me and responds:
> 3) Even if some members violate these, the rules
> themselves remain "moral" or "rock solid".
> RESPONSE: What good are these rules and morals if
> they are not being followed.  Never mind the fact 
> that you cannot list them to start with.
Mario responds:
I thought you were following this thread.  Apparently
not.  Not only have I listed them previously, I have
shown the slightly differenct numbering that other
Christians and Jews use.  You need to keep up, man.
Now you take the bizarre position that if members
violate the code from time to time, what good are the
codes?  So, let me get this straight.  The laws in any
civilized society are useless because people break the
law from time to time?
This is the same illogical thinking that your
intellectual icon Santosh has followed, calling the
moral codes of morally based groups "fake morality"
because some members had violated them.  Talk about
birds of a feather.  No wonder you rushed to his
Bosco quotes me and responds:
> 4) In addition, there is group pressure for each
> individual to conform, and consequences if they 
> don't which depend on the severity of the 
> violation. Thus there are some checks and balances 
> on each member.
> RESPONSE: What group pressure? Pls explain with
> example(s)
Mario responds:
Perhaps you need to have a little chat with your
pastor so that you can be re-educated about what it
means to be a Christian.  Remember "confession"? 
remember "excommunication"?  Perhaps not.
An example: If one openly has a girlfriend in addition
to a wife, I'm sure one's Catholic friends and pastor
will let them know.
Another one: Try divorcing a wife and re-marrying in
the church.
Bosco quotes me and responds:
> 5) There are no outside checks and balances other
> than the law and no one has a basis for accusing 
> them of hypocrisy.
> RESPONSE: Are you suggesting that the law may infact
> support immoral practices? Hypocrisy?
Mario responds:
Living in the morally pristine community of Toronto,
Canada, you have apparently failed to grasp that
immoral practices like like fornication, adultery and
blatant falsehoods may not break any laws.
Bosco writes:
> Gilbert has chosen to do the same. More generalities
> with no specifics. For eg.
Mario responds:
It's your turn now, but, let me warn you.  We're
dealing with someone who likes to argue just for the
sake of arguing.
He says that we have not answered him, then cites
chapter and verse from the answers.
He claims to have diligently followed this thread then
does not even know what I have written in my last post
just a few days ago.
He accuses us of engaging in generalities, then quotes
a whole list of specifics and responds to them.
I thought youngsters like Bosco were not supposed to
have "senior moments", but here we have a whole
"senior post" :-))

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