Dear Dr. D'Cruz,

You should start lobbying the Government of your own country first for 
"Biblical Style Crucifixion". After we see how it works out there we can 
think of implementing  it in Goa.

Later you could start a movement to impose Sharia in the USA because all 
crime rates(not just homicides) in Saudi and UAE are lower than that in the 
USA or India.

I just have two questions.

1.What is the link between nailing a criminal to a cross in public and 
victim rights??
2. You admit that all life is sacred and then support the death penalty, 
that too by barbaric means. What is the logic behind this moral position of 
yours( I suspect there is none!).

Sunith Velho

Carmo writes:
The Homicide Rates in countries with strigent public, biblical style
executions of murderers (per 100K heads of population) is  Saudi Arabia -
0.4 / 100000     UAE - 1/100000  This is quite an impressive record for the
volatile part of the world called the middle east !

Cruxifiction on the cross and harvesting of the criminals'
organs so that many Goans with chronic ailments may live (since all life esp
that of innocent people is sacred), I have been inundated by queries from a
number of holier than thou Goenkars who are more pro-criminal rights than
victims rights 

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