Is "sleeping with windows open" the only basis of judging how
peaceful, just, and sustainable a society is? Or, is the cleanliness
of the hospitals a better indicator? This is not a defence for
post-1961 prone corruption and misrule, but one can't overlook that a
semi-Fascist dictatorship has pros and cons which are quite different
from those of a capitalist-if-somewhat-more-egalitarian region where
the rulers are hard to reign in, and the sickness of affluenza
(overall growing affluence) has come at the cost of the environment,
over-consumption, and selfishness. FN

On 16/09/06, Sunith Velho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> Thanks for your reply. As you may/may not be aware the statement "In
> Portuguese times we used to sleep with windows and doors wide open..." is
> more often than not used to convey the fact that Goa was much safer before
> the "Indians" took over....--
Frederick Noronha  9822122436 +91-832-240-9490
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