On Thu, 12/4/14, Albert Peres wrote:
Christmas Wish List:
  - Quadcopter with remote controler
  - Mini HD Video camera

The question someone asked me was, what do you do when you see a photo drone 
hoovering outside your 13th floor balcony?

My knee jerk response was, "Shoot it down."

Which prompted my friend to ask me if the following was resolved:
A husband and wife were having an argument on the 13th floor of their condo 
building. The husband told the wife to shut up else he would shoot her. The 
wife kept on yapping so the husband took out his gun and shot. The bullet 
missed the wife but went thru the window and struck a guy who was falling 
outside. The person falling was the couples son who had jumped off the roof 
after warning his parents that if they did not stop fighting, he would commit 
suicide. The building was going thru repairs and had a large net put up to 
collect falling debris. The net caught the suicide jumper and prevented his 
attempt but he later died in hospital from the bullet wound. The question to be 
resolved: was the man guilty of murder, attempted murder, both?

Similarly, the technology the photo drones have, present some interesting legal 
challenges as to how and where one can use them. The commercial drones 
available today can carry much more than a conventional camera.  I have the 
same item on my Santa wish list as you do but I am going to wait for others to 
sort out the laws before I use it on the ground floor of a condo unit.


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