If you consider mu post saying thecsamecas kther posts have said, its not 
cribbing but pointing out the fact. I, as others, do appreciate your time. But 
listen to genuine complaints. Nobody is holding you by tge neck. 
One understands you are the king of the Goan cyberworld, and I feel you enjoy 
the status. I, fir one, wouldn't want to volunteer. Now that I am retired, I do 
volunteer work. Goanet is not my cup of tear, or glass of feni. I have happy in 
my role as an "active" poster.

Sent from my iPad

> On Jan 20, 2018, at 3:23 AM, Venantius J Pinto <> 
> wrote:
> Fred—
> Avoid being defensive, or whatever you good English speakers and writers
> say.
> Just take what he said for what it is. Simply say: Yes we have had some
> issues and we try to do our best.
> That surely is the truth! Come on Dude?! No one is being malicious or
> belligerent. At least I am not seeing it that way.
> There are a lot of things many Goanetters are appreciate of, and they show
> it by the way they contribute: share, whether by analysis, original
> articles, opinions, and like me tiny observations.
> At least the few among the 10,000 plus. The little we say is a way of
> appreciation, even the carping.
> Over the years, some of you have become the major ball players. Major as in
> having managed to keep your independence.
> Surely your Labor of Love has brought in some dividends too of various
> natures. Lets us just say unique connections.
> Now that does not mean erasure of your efforts, not at all. But an
> awareness that you stay aware of the good that you do.
> I am only referring to the good. And good things happen. That is the
> universe speaking for those who are Catholics by virtue of baptism, and
> other preferred sacraments!
> So be happy. At least Eugene is alive and kicking. Jai Bhim, or insert
> saint of choice. Goanet did not simply happen. As a departed friend told me
> once: V you are the recipient of energy on the part of many people.
> LIKEWISE Goanet, and of course one means you, Marlon et al, and the
> volunteers. Zoi to that.
> Now some extrapolation, and I will use this post to elaborate something
> that has been on my mind!
> My being ignored on a few fronts (not to mean by you) has not stopped good
> coming towards me, through other conduits. Life goes on, the river changes
> course.
> Recently, I emailed three Goans / those of Goan origin, in the Literary
> world showcasing my interest in doing specific work. Kaim nhu. Perhaps ll
> in Spam? Zait goddek. There have been many such instances. Its not about
> work per se, but about that conduct — about the famed alegria / joy /
> anand, which we profess ourselves to possess. A simple matter of saying:
> Hey V, received your stuff. We have no use for your work, or, will keep you
> in mind.
> Perhaps it has to do with my often blunt, and on occasional colorful (foul)
> language. Who died and made people sainted?! I know its hard for people to
> celebrate. What is worse is those who want something but do not care to ask
> logically. Then there are those who do not know me from shit, and will want
> something specific. Thankfully none have come in the near recent past , but
> the door can still be walked through with some respect. I put all this out
> to say is this about being Goan, or is it what the mind conjured up when
> hearing the word …ghanti.” How does one tell people to pull their heads out
> from where the sun don’t shine?
> So celebrate yourself. You are regarded well. Ot you boinking us pordeshi
> for matxo uchambov. :)
> Aiz asa faleam nhuim.
> Best,
> —Venantius J Pinto
> On Sat, Jan 20, 2018 at 12:36 AM, Frederick Noronha <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Eugene, Thanks but no thanks for cribbing over this. If your email
>> account does not bounce mail (and Gmail seldom does, unless overfilled),
>> then you should have no reason to be automatically switched to 'no mail' on
>> the Goanet list.
>> We at Goanet do appreciate that occasionally email accounts do bounce mail,
>> despite everyone's best efforts. And the Goanet Volunteers Team does try to
>> restore things, whenever possible.
>> But then, this is all volunteer work....
>> Instead of simply carping, would you like to light a candle, and help
>> improve the situation? Would you like to volunteer to help build this
>> 23-year-old team effort by posting useful and interesting Goa-links to the
>> group on a regular basis?
>> And I don't mean just pot-shots and flame-baits against those we have some
>> grudge against.
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Frederick
>> 9822122436
>> * * *
>> From: Eugene Correia <>
>> I too get them, and have to resubscribe every now and then. Admin must work
>> to correct this problem.
>> Eugene
>> --
>> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
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