
Good point about Fr Nascimento. But, you cannot beat yourself; although you
can see and must it as one (there would be more) missed opportunity, if and
even if a small market had been nurtured / has been created. Among every
people and place, certain given elements afford possibility. Still, any one
person can only do so much given existential caveats. Hence there are
institutions, or something that has the weight. Small groups, or a team of
two for instance.

Moving on:
My specific thrust was what I saw as a lack of interest in process.
Baseline business transaction. No matter which way one looks at it, its not
tens  of illustrators of Goan origin contacting anybody, and sharing work.
The ideas was to bring ones visual skills to bear on things Goan, employing
ones analytical chops. Perhaps it is all a mere attempt at validating
myself. That must be it! Zait ghoddek! But apparently, we Goans have a
propensity of operating on a few too many layers in one existence; and it
works! And we can have our Christian graces too. Heh Bhagwaan, or Vo Deua /
Deva. Now, now I am pointing! Of course, this can be conveniently
misconstrued — so the caveat is a mild, within reason. Under what
circumstances is a project worth it, or can be accepted?

Perhaps believing in the form of cultural chops that Goans possess; is a
figment of my imagination. Yet, indeed!, I have known gracious people. On
the other hand, we have our own version of the grape vine passing on
scurrilous morsels of information, as long as it is outside the norm.
Again, if one has observed — Goans conveniently hold onto different values,
but soak in the same idea of some homogenous Goaness / Goanity. Something
that, I care to think very little of. And, which I am sure one sees more of
it at Goan conferences and gatherings.

Time, age, consistent training of most kinds toughens or us. I am not water
sodden errant branch that made it to some shore; and a, not even talking
about painting. One knows where one stands, and truly times change. In that
change one expects changes all around. Why not? This is also NOT about art
and recognition. Imagine if someone asks a question to validate their
belief whether someone still feels beaten down — based on having met the
other, in the distant past under poor circumstances. That would be a naked
attempt at manipulating sense and sensibility! Ergo, all one may do is to
avoid pitfalls, but seek possibility. Surely, a condition! A Christian

Thank you,

On Sat, Jan 20, 2018 at 12:38 PM, Frederick Noronha <> wrote:

> Venantius,
> Your right. Thanks for your inputs.
> I agree that's there's a lot of underappreciation going on there. For one,
> knowing your own work and having seen it (at late Fr Nascimento's book
> release at the Clergy Home, Porvorim) as a community we have never been
> able to showcase it .... in Goa or in the diaspora.
> It is troubling that our otherwise talented community spends more time to
> tear each other down rather than build one another...
> FN

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