Hi Selma,

How come Gilbert donates blood for consumption by
others? Doesn't he follow the moral precepts of
Leviticus and Deuteronomy?

Your most recent point regarding Hitchens is well
taken. Now as far as cannibalism is concerned, the
evolutionary and archeological records show that while
it has being practiced by humans and hominids
throughout the ages, these have been very rare
occurrences. It is a rarity even among other mammals.
It is virtually unheard of among non-human primates.
Only a few instances have been recorded among wild
chimpanzees, all involving infanticide.



--- Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Santosh,
> I think you are mixing up Hitchens with Gilbert.
> Gilbert who has been consistently donating blood
> obviously has had the circulation to his brain cut
> off from this activity :-) Hitch, on the other hand,
> doesn't suffer from a "real God" syndrome.
> .......................................
> The Fijians would ultimately stop using human flesh
> as canapes before dinner, even without the help of
> interventionist missionaries. 

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