On 15/02/2008, Philip Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I have not been really able to understand what the Goans are agitating
>  about. OK may be SEZs were pushed through in obscene haste. But I still dont

Goan protest is a very complex phenomenon. It's almost as if we are
making up for lost time during the Salazar years ... and that was a
long time indeed!

To one section, it is a rearguard action against the loss of
priviledge they had in colonial times. You can read this in some of
the posts on Goanet too. As you would notice, the priviledged sections
(both Catholic and Hindu) have a grouse against the military action of
1961, because this, among other things, opened the flood-gates of
bahujan empowerment (though with a communal edge at times). It's
almost as if sucking-up to the ruling elite (of whatever creed or
colour) is no longer the domain of a tiny-elite.

There are others who feel the pressures of the decisions of the
political elite on their natural resources they have long depended on,
on their natural resources-based lifestyle. A few other protests have
been spearheaded by a generation of student activists that got their
baptism of fire in the 'seventies, when there was a considerable
amount of student turmoil here. Quite a bit of 'activism' is also
generated by paranoia over a change in the possible demography of the

Some protest is also fuelled by political parties and the agendas of
individual politicians. For instance, the Medium of Instruction and
anti-KRC campaigns got an undeniable filip by dissidence within the
Congress, and the ambitions of particular politicians to upstage the
chief minister(s) of that time.

Nowadays, we are seeing some amount of  protest being fuelled by the
ambitions of one-man (and his backers) to reclaim the
chief-ministership that he had claimed using a mix of treachery and
deliberately-fuelled ambitions. Needless to say, the
corruption-fuelled style of Congress politics will also ensure that it
runs into the brakes of protest and agitation sooner or later.

But it helps to understand what fuels the agitations here, as you ask. FN
Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org
  • Re... Flower2
    • ... Philip Thomas
      • ... anand virgincar
      • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
        • ... anand virgincar
    • ... Philip Thomas
    • ... Flower2
      • ... anand virgincar
    • ... anil desai

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