I endorse Santosh's views entirely on this.

I somehow fail to understand why Marshall has joined the bandwagon of
people, who are all out to tarnish the fair name of Sonal Shah with
propaganda that is false, malicious and misleading,

The link below is a strong objective rebuttal to the smear campaign
that has been launched against Sonal Shah. (I have not followed this
debate between Marshall and Santosh closely so far but I presume the
link has not been published here before)


Sonal Shah has done Indians and South Asians proud with her achievements.

Indians need to laud her and not tarnish her on the basis of mere
"guilt by Association" as Santosh has rightly pointed out; and/or a
campaign that is not even remotely related to the truth!

The above link should set the records straight.


Santosh helekar wrote on Goanet

>>It is not surprising that the guy who is relentlessly trying to smear an 
>>innocent person and >>humanitarian like Sonal Shah on Goanet for narrow 
>>communal and political reasons does not >>understand what is meant by guilt 
>>by association, and is now engaging in name-calling against >>Goanetters who 
>>are exposing his deeds.

>>Here is Sonal Shah's latest statement on these dishonest guilt by association 
>>smears initiated by >>someone who spread similar malicious smears against 
>>Mother Teresa.

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