To Goanet -

Cecil Pinto wrote:
>planning and preparation of the product is very often done by the
>women folk (and hired help) how can it still be labelled a 'male
>dominated' industry? In many cases the wives and daugters even helped
>out with delivering the bread. It was a family enterprise rather than
>of just one individual. The male head of the house was often the
>figurehead poder but the female component of the industry must never
>be underestimated.

This was certainly true of the bakery in St. Inez we
grew up with.  It is the "Monteiro Bakery" near the
cross up the road from Tadmad.  The father was 
the titular head, the boys Rosario, Thom, Philip and
Nazareth (our mates at evening football at our
Tadmad ground, which is alas a Fire Station today)
would help out and serve as delivery boys and 
then head to school (Don Bosco).  But the mother 
was the centre of the operation.  When my wife 
and I visited them a couple of years back, Philip,
who runs the business now, summoned his mother 
to answer some of the detailed questions my 
wife had of the breadmaking process (which I
photographed in some detail).

The other great St Inez bakery today lies in
ruins (it is at the fork where the former mayor
'Bashico' Branco lived).  In those days we had
the pleasure of retrieving piping hot bread from
the fornans ourselves if we felt like it.



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