Albert writes:- The proverbs or the book of proverbs were written by King 
Solomon .I request interested readers to read these 31 chapters because these 
chapters help us in our practical life. Prov ch 3:5 says" Trust in the Lord 
with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord 
in everything you do and He will show you the right way. Never think that you 
are wiser than you are. Prov ch 5:- 3 The lips of another man's wife may be as 
sweet as honey and kisses as smooth as olive oil but when it is all over she 
leaves you nothing but bitterness and pain. she will take you down to the world 
of the deadthe road she walks is the road to death. she does not stay on the 
road to life but wanders off and does not realise what is happening. Keep away 
from such woman. " 
Just 31 chapters but these 31 chapters if read one or two a day will bring 
relief to your mind and you will be a happy man or woman. Prov 17 says that it 
is better to eat a dry crust of bread with peace of mind than to have a banquet 
in a house full of trouble. A shrewd servant will gain authority over a 
master's worthless son and receive a part of inheritance. Gold and silver are 
tested by fire and the person's heart is tested by Lord. Prov 19 says It is 
better to be poor but honest than to be a lying fool. Some people ruin 
themselves by their own stupid actions and then blame the Lord. prov 31 talks 
about the capable wife she is worth more than jewels. 
I request each and every reader to take their bible and read. You cannot just 
read the book like a history book. Ask God to reveal what is written in it. 
This is God's word and only God must explain to you about it.
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