For the first time I have to say some words in this group.

About *Canecos* in the Portuguese language it means (in the singular form)
"a wooden jar for the transportation of liquids in the shape of a barrel but
with wings, *and/or*, a pot typically more tall and narrow then a
*caneca*(I've kept the original: it means a cup),
*and/or* in the popular form, a tall hat, *and/or*, in the figurative form,
someone to drunk, *and/or*, *pintar o caneco* (to paint the caneco): to make
a fuzz or great party, *and/or*, canarim: local from the ancient Portuguese
India (origin from the word Canará+*im*)

As an expression, *cum caneco (com um caneco)* can be used to express verbal
attitude to a sudden event or felling, perhaps equal to the expression used
in English "I'll be dammed"

Curiosity: Canarim can also be used in Brazil to describe a a tall man with
long legs!

Hope I was clear

Mónica Reis
शदलगमो ईागे
Indo-Portuguese Art Research Project

Telemóvel Portugal: +351 964 092 575
Telemóvel Índia: +91(0) 909 666 27 88
Skype ID: monicaereis

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