Could also mean a "mug"? Doing a web search revealed "caneco de cerveja" = 
"stein of beer".  

See VRR's post at
VRR writes: In Goa,  which was a Portuguese colony in those days, the 
"mestizos" were the equivalent  of the Anglo-Indians. They were people of mixed 
Portuguese and Goan descent, and  to them the rest of us were "canecos". In 
games, where the local team  would usually run rings around the Portuguese 
team, the mestizos would call out  "Canelada! Canelada!", which translates to 
them in the shins. 

BTW, an interesting mathematical semi-palindrome was mentioned in one of the 
Brasilian posts relating to "pintura a canecos": 
12 x 12 = 144
441 = 21 x 21

With reference to the Goa League booklet, in one Brasilian post, I read that 
"pintar a canecos" is not necessarily a football phrase, it is a common phrase 
in Brasil, having various meanings, depending on the context, I suppose.
"Pintar os canecos" não é nada futebolístico, Eugene, é bem comum. É o mesmo 
que pintar o sete e pode ser tudo isto:
Praticar travessuras, diabruras, ou desatinos, desregramento; deitar e rolar: / 
Divertir-se à grande: / Fazer coisas extraordinárias / maltratar.

Outras expressões com o mesmo significado:
pintar e bordar, pintar a manta, pintar a saracura, pintar o diabo 



----- Original Message ----
From: Carvalho <>
To: estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list <>
Sent: Saturday, 11 July, 2009 5:12:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Canecos

Hi Antonio,
I too am finding it difficult to trace the exact colloquial translation of this 
word but my mother remembers the slur clearly and I have found a reference made 
to it, in a 1950 booklet produced by the Goa League. Peinture a canecos, means 
to play the fool, so I am assuming the word canecos by itself when used as a 
racial slur, meant stupid.

Take care,

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