
               August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary


' Why cannot we make a livin' in Goa? There are fields which have been
stolen fromBakars lie uncultivated. Why can't people be like us
Moidekars?Why can't we work hard?So the next time the Portuguese passport
service providers rob of your euros and rupees think twice....stay in Goa,
be like a Goan, and you will save yourselv from"SWINDON FLU" Be happy don't
worry. X B Moidekar.
The Bove pisso moidekar has never been to UK.

He has got some inkling after reading the letter from Menino that he met a
man working at the airport (but I assure you not in the toilets).

Well, I have lived at Heathrow area for 30 years and I have not SEEN one
Goan work in the toilets.
Yes, seen a few with gold chains round their necks (typical Goan) work the
trollies, they come and go.

This moidekar, has shown his true colours, 'a moidekar'.

And as for JC there was no need for the shermao, those who have lived in UK
gone to college 'done it, seen, it worn the T shirt', know it all.
This extra info just gives PIXE to write nonsense, free on Goanet.

Presently I know of a Pakistani who worked at the post office sorting mail
for 3 years, he was educated in USA in Computing.
He has now got a good job in computing and doing well.
People who have lived in the west know the problems.

Pixe from Goa writing this stupidity on Goanet are JUST JEALOUS.

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