Hi Dan, 

Thanks for corroborating that there is no evidence of SFX directly responsible 
/ caused the Inquisition to be brought to Goa.  The decision to introduce the 
Inquisition to Goa in 1560 was made by the king in Lisboa, long after SFX left 
Goa and died.  As Teo rightly claims (see below) Inquisition was "essentially a 
political institution for disciplining all colonial subjects."

If SFX insisted on the Inquisition, he would have stayed in Goa in colonial 
comfort, and spent his career lobbying for the Inquisition.  Yet, SFX moved on 
to more important things.  In fact if the Inquisition was SFX's idea, 
that thought would / should have died with him.

You are claiming that really it was 'devoted associates' of Xavier and Ignatius 
in Rome and Lisboa that lobbied for the Inquisition in Goa. To the best of my 
knowledge neither of these two men had much of a following in Lisboa pre-1560.  
And why would Rome want Inquisition in Goa? (see Teo's reason for the 

No one really cares for what you "suspect."  Please post the hard evidence to 
support your hypothesis. This includes names of individuals and their 
associations with SFX on one hand and Lisboa on the other. Or else what you 
write may be an example of English hubris and speculation. 

BTW, looks like you are English / Irish. What did the English and Scottish 
kings do / use to discipline their subjects during similar period?  And did 
Rome, Xavier and / or Ignatius have any influence of what went on in England?  
Thanks in anticipation and I look forward to the valuable information which you 
are  going to provide us. 
Regards, GL

----------- DAN DRISCOLL 

I would say that the relationship between implementation of the inquisitiorial 
policy in the Region and the dating of Xavier's departure and eventual death 
need not at all negate his influence in the matter. I suspect that very little 
of any decision-making that came out of Rome and Lisboa for up to half a 
century after Xavier's passing would have been without heavy reliance on his 
judgement. Xavier and Ignatius were like two blood brothers.

-------------- TRS wrote

The Inquisition was not a religious institution, but essentially a political 
institution for disciplining all colonial subjects.

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