More Goans should voice their opinions and speak out against the
high-handedness of the Goa Government. This is how they treat our
retired old teachers. The Goa Government is one of the most corrupt,
devious and anti-Goan that one could ever imagine!

After selling Goa for a song they now want to still the voices of
Goans protesting against their high-handedness. They'll soon convert
Goa to apolice state to cover all their con-schemes. Shame on the Goa
Government. Beware next it could be anyone of us speaking out against
them. This is the latest update from Target Goa.


Retired teachers court arrest in pouring rain


Retired teachers courted arrest, many in fact were arrested under
Section 151 of the Indian Penal Code. They were protesting outside the
Secretariat while the Assembly was in progress. According to police
sources they were attempting to block the road.

The retired teachers are agitating because they fell through the
cracks of government policy. According to the then government policy
they had to retire when they crossed 58 years of age. Later the
retirement age was extended to age 60. They are therefore agitating
for compensation having lost out on Fifth and Sixth Comission pay

The Chief Minister would not give them the time of day when they
agitated last month, instead they were arrested and allowed to go. The
teachers then went on a chain hunger strike. That too did not work.
The retired teachers have now decided to intensify their stir by
taking their fight to Goa's seat of democracy - the Assembly.

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