Senhor Helekar,

Since I am not able to make you understand simple logic, let me make take this 
to the REAL next level.

You did the following:
1. A response of mine to an ongoing GoaNet was forwarded by you, to your own 
little private list and you included my email ID in that list, thereby breaking 
GoaNet rule first.

2. You and members of that list engaged in what I call SPAM - because at least 
some folks continued sending me emails, when I categorically 
requested to remove me from that list.

3. As Fred pointed out in one his emails, I still own copyright of the email I 
write on GoaNet. You forwarded it out to an external group without my 

Once you break the rules, whatever follows - including my language - is nothing 
but self defense. You left the door open for me to slam you whichever way I 
want - its that simple.

Now, here's what I am going to do, if I am forced to continue putting up with 
your garbage:

1. Copy the SPAM from your private list to your address at 

2. Include all people of my choosing from the upper management at Baylor 
College of Medicine in that SPAM list

3. Include J. Steven de Belle and all upper management at the National Science 
Foundation in that SPAM list

Let them also get a taste of what I am talking about here at GoaNet.

If all this does not ring a bell in your neurons, take a look at the below 


You are messing up with the wrong guy. You may be a neuro scientist. In my line 
of work, we deal with complex mathematical problems and convert them to 
computer programs - Which makes me think like a chess player. I keep several 
moves ready much before my opponent makes his.

Now go back crying to your Bahama Mama and complain to her that I whacked you 
yet one more time :)

Jim F
New York.

--- On Tue, 7/20/10, Santosh Helekar <> wrote:

> From: Santosh Helekar <>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination
> To: " estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list" <>
> Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 11:02 PM
> Shri Fernandes,
> It looks like you are at a point now that you need some
> kind of emotional release. Unfortunately, I suspect you are
> afraid to do this in public. But you have started escalating
> your abusive behavior to a new level. You have now also
> graduated to lying about what I said in response to the
> personal attack that you initiated against me on Goanet. 
> First, here are new examples of your indecent abusive
> verbiage and name-calling directed at me in continued clear
> violation of a Goanet rule:
> "Are you visually challenged or brain dead?"
> ....Shri Jim Fernandes abusing me

> Shri Fernandes, you are wasting your hot air. Your
> persistent abuse will invariably lead to a public
> embarrassment for you. There is nothing you can do to me.
> Cheers,
> Santosh

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[] Goa launch next month. See Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

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