pinheiro wrote:
Why United States the so-called free market economy powerhouse/the world 
superpower gives subsidies to its farmers?  Are these subsidies found/grown in 
US farms too?


It is not only the US that gives subsidies to its farmers. Japan does the
same for its rice growers and nearly every country in the EU has large 
subsidy programs for their farmers.

The bottom line is that because of the subsidies, it becomes almost impossible 
for a farmer in the developing world, who earns $4 A DAY, to compete against 
his counterpart from the developed world where the minimum wage for farm hands 
is $4 PER HOUR.

As for Goa's fields, I recently spoke to some land owners in my ancestral
village. They have been unable to cultivated their rice fields for a number of 
now. Their explanation is always the same. There is a sever shortage of labour 
as no one wants to work in the fields after they are educated. 

As a former farm labourer, I can assure all here that farm work is back 
and the sure path to poverty. Real economic progress comes from 
Green/golden rice fields should remain only in the realms of nostalgics 
and dreamers. 

Lastly, the economies of India and China remained stagnant when the central 
planers focused on the activities of peasants and farmers. Thankfully those
in power today, in both countries, are directing their energies into sectors 
other than



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