Mervyn wrote:
"Here in Canada, a teenager, working at his first job, can earn 1 lakh rupees
PER MONTH. That kind of income would still leave him at poverty levels.
Any farmer with an ANNUAL income of 1 lakh rupees can only be living
a life of sustenance. For economic progress, one needs savings."

I think you are just passing your time now. Now you embark upon comparing a 
youth in Canada with that in Goa. Is that a fair parallel you are trying to 
Someone sitting in Canada is not in a position to judge our level of 
contentment and progress. Would you call farmers in Haryana, and Punjab poor? 
If at all they have been reduced to poverty it is the western world's 
introduction of biotechnologically modified seed and the whole lot of 
fertilizers and pesticides dumped on developing countries. India's 'geen 
revolution' based on western agricultural sciences was the beginning of 
I am sorry, as you say we live in different worlds and we are happy in our 
world. We do not measure our progress in dollars and pounds. Money is not 
everything for us.
So, I close this topic here as we have better things to do.


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