I am sorry, as you say we live in different worlds and we are happy in our
world. We do not measure our progress in dollars and pounds. Money is not
everything for us.
 It is useful to remember that money isn’t everything. There are many things
that cannot be had for money. Here’s an inspirational passage from the
writer Arne Garborg that hits the nail on the head:

"It is said that for money you can have everything, but you cannot.

   - You can buy food, but not appetite;
   -  medicine, but not health;
   -  knowledge, but not wisdom;
   -  glitter, but not beauty;
   -  fun, but not joy;
   - acquaintances, but not friends;
   -  servants, but not faithfulness;
   -  leisure, but not peace.
   - You can have the husk of everything for money, but not the kernel."

The essence of virtually any enjoyable activity depends on non-monetary
factors. Here are a few more comparisons that came to mind:

   - You can buy a college degree, but not an education
   - You can buy insurance, but not safety
   - You can buy jokes, but not laughter
   - You can buy a bed, but not sleep
   - You can buy a house, but not a home

Incidentally, the USA and Canada among the most affluent countries in the
world have the highest number of psychiatric cases.




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