-----Original Message-----
From: J. Colaco < jc>

>> [1] Bosco D wrote: I'm surprised that you will attempt to DENY a
>> POSTER in Goa to post his observations from the beach ....

> d: Is Mervyn one of those secret Goanet moderators? If not, HOW can he
> (attempt to) deny anybody anywhere from posting anything on Goanet?

#1) The issue was about the HTL being breached on some of Goa's beaches. JC responds re Goanet moderators.

#2) JC is directed to the words of a wise-man on Goanet on March 20, 2011 - "Only politicians are known to do ghuspott type of misrepresentations." [1]

#3) Deny - English word [2]
a. to state that (something declared or believed to be true) is not true
b. to refuse to agree
c. to refuse to recognize or acknowledge

#4) Mervyn and JC are probably unaware of some beach shacks being water-logged on Goa's beaches post-tsunami. But hey!!! They have to contradict the individual in Goa, who walks the beaches.

- B
PS. The delayed response was to allow the discussion on JC being "passed out" or "pass out" to fade. Whatever came of that....



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