Bosco D wrote:
> From: Mervyn Lobo
> Sent: April-07-11 2:19 PM
> To:
> Considering the timestamp on your email above, please provide a 
> credible news weblink about this tsunami that occured "a few hours 
> ago".
> Your assurances are as relevant as the Japanese tsunami is to the 
> sea breaching the HTL some weeks ago in Goa. But how would you 
> know when you are safely ensconced in your keyboard blissfully 
> unaware of the reality of the situation.

> Don't forget......a credible news weblink about this tsunami that 
> occured "a few hours ago".

- B,
This one is scary.
I still have not figured out if you only wanted to act a little silly or 
if you really are unable to conduct a google search on the subject.

Out of concern for you, I googled, "April 7th tsunami" and got "about 
4,140,000 results in (0.09 seconds)."

Here is the very first link:

I looked at your request again and thought maybe the operational 
word is "credible". So I googled "individual in Goa who walks the 
beaches, April 7th tsunami." Unfortunately, I don't think the individual
who walks the beaches is credible as the result this time was:  
"No results found for individual in Goa who walks the beaches, April 
7th tsunami".

I will try, for one last time, to explain why any tsunami that originates 
off the coast of Japan would be harmless to Goa. The continent called 
Asia acts as a barrier to the tsunami. The Himalaya's, in particular, 
are higher than any tsunami. They will always protect Goa from any 
Japanese tsunami.

Lastly, I am not in the business of providing assurance. All I am willing
to do is point out the reasons why something is not possible. I have no
problems with those who are unable to grasp basic points. When the
very same people are also unable to believe the assurances of the 
foremost scientists in Goa, it becomes very clear where the problem is.


No tsunami threat to India: NIO
Largest Circulated English Daily of Goa - Saturday, April 9, 2011
PANJIM: “There is no tsunami threat to India and the Goan and Konkan 
coastline from the earthquake in Japan as there are significant numbers 
of land mass above the sea that break these waves and do not allow it 
to propagate far” says Dr. Satish Shetye, Director, National Institute of 

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