Dear Roland

Thanks for your post and acknowledging my spousal devotion which is to such an 
extent that I volunteered to stay at home 
to look after our pets. 

On the subject of wifely duties, I am not sure if you have seen this book "The 
proper care and feeding of husbands" by Dr 
Laura Schlessinger. No, it does not contain any Goan receipes yet, but is a 
highly recommended book to leave in strategic 
places around your home. 

When I first purchased this book and dived into the middle of it to read a few 
paragraphs, I thought it was a reprint from the 
18th century. Imagine my surprise to discover it was written in 2004 and is 
"the international best seller".

Here is a taster from this book. Dr Schlessinger has included part of a letter 
from Chris (a man), to highlight important 
words of wisdom to us (women):

Quote: If I had to summarize, I'd say, "Please, ladies, recognize that we men 
do love you, and although you may not think 
we do much around the house, we do the ugly stuff like change the oil and mow 
the lawn and get up early when it snows to 
shovel a path to your car and start the car so it will be warm when you get in. 
We would walk through fire for you to get you 
a quart of cookie-dough ice cream in the middle of the night, because we love 
you." Unquote

While contemplating what was the best time to meet you and your wife in Goa, 
our postman delivered the January 2012 
issue of Goa Today. 

There is an excellent article on page 11 by Nicola De Souza in the Guest Column 
(based on this article alone I recommend 
she be promoted to the Permanent Column). In this article she describes the 
work of a voyeuristic waiter, a fictional 
character called Chintoo who came down from a small town in India to Goa and 
decided to stay. His hobby is 
photographing what he feels is worth photographing on the beach (I will leave 
this to all our imaginations). In the last part of 
the article, this is what Chintoo says "My wish for 2012 is that more and more 
of my brothers from across the length and 
breadth of India come down to experience Goa at least once. We will scourge the 
beaches (fully-clothed of course) and go 
home each night (even if alone) to a bounty of bottoms and bosoms. Culture 
vultures, don't try to stop us. Have Camera. 
Will Click. No Laws. Will Click. You Wear Bikini. Will Click. Much love, 

Sorry, I got a bit carried away here with all those camera clicks, where were 
we? Oh I remember now, trying to sort out a 
good time to meet in Goa. Well, December sounds fine to me, how about the 
festive season? We might need to bring a 
shovel and an empty tin for water (not for rupees) for Chintoo and his friends.

Rose Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

19 January 2012


                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:

  • ... Melvyn Fernandes
    • ... Alfred de Tavares
    • ... Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
    • ... Roland Francis
    • ... Melvyn Fernandes

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