>> What I mean is that most people who have followed the past generics 
discussions already know it's possible to implement them with efficient 
memory use and performance. So they don't need to worry much about that. 

Thank you for explanation.

>> can they be implemented without making Go a much more complex language 
than it is now

What is a measure of the syntax complexity in the Go language.
What this means and how they should be measured such a relative criteria?
- Much more complex
- More complex
- Slightly more complex
- Little bit more complex

Also how you personally measure these cognitive loads?

1.Sample (pattern)

type KeyValuePair interafce {
  key interface{}
  val  interface{}

2.Sample (pattern)

type KeyValuePair<K, V> interafce {
  key K
  val  V

What about that a value of the #2 sample is more complex than #1 sample on 
the 146%?
With permissible error of no more than 5%.

I think that possible we should to start a discussion about that problem 
(complexity measurement of the Go language perception).

I'm not kidding.

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