I'll ditto what Jesper said. Go's stdlib is fairly stable and coherent.
YAML library does not support encoder/decoder that you can use with
arbitrary io.Reader/Writers to marshall/unmarshall stuff.
YAML as a spec if very messy. It allows embedding variables which has been
exploited to hack backend apps (rubygems e.g). Buts thats more related to
the spec.
I dont see any obvious pain in keeping it outside the stdlib, as long as
its maintained (Gustavo doing an aweseom job already)

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 11:19 AM, Jesper Louis Andersen <
jesper.louis.ander...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 8:06 PM, Zachary Gershman <zgersh...@pivotal.io>
> wrote:
>> I don't think the "I don't want this format in because I don't want to
>> see more of this format" doesn't work. People are going to keep using it,
>> YAML isn't a format that is going anywhere and I would love to know what
>> you would suggest most people switch to as an alternative (don't say TOML
>> or JSON).
> On one hand, adding YAML to the stdlib seems like a simple thing which is
> easy to do: pick the current solution out there and embed it.
> On the other hand, beware! Once added, it undergoes the Go 1.x contract of
> backwards compatibility, including subtle errors. If a library lives
> outside the stdlib, it has the ability to evolve in a freer way, on its own
> release cycle.
> My suggestion is to look at the interconnection needed in the stdlib for
> it to live outside. Are the current tools in place to make it as easy to
> interact with YAML as it is with JSON? If affirmative, keep hacking! If
> negative, think about what is missing and/or needed to make the interaction
> better.
> As for the quality of YAML as a format, I've had trouble with it on
> several occasions. Amazon has had YAML with files embedded in the YAML.
> Here, indentation plays a crucial role and it creates some subtle
> hard-to-debug errors quickly. Of course, these problems might have fixes
> which I don't know of, but the things I saw did not impress me. I also
> agree JSON is a bad format for configuration--it is far from a succinct
> format: S-expressions, or Erlang Terms, are usually simpler and shorter
> than JSON. And both of those formats are not exactly terse by themselves
> either.
> --
> J.
> --
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