The depressing unintended consequence of this is that a rift has been created 
between community leaders and r/golang users (Who happened to see the post). 

I recently entered r/golang because I already used a couple other subreddits 
that perform a function similar to an RSS feed. Simple content aggregation. But 
I was already using the platform so r/golang became a valuable entry point. 
Removing this entry point, at the very least, seems shortsighted. 

Coming back to the riff: The unintended consequence of actions such as 
proposing the removal of the subreddit, outside of the subreddit, no less. Is 
that you entrench people in their points. Reddit people see this as a personal 
action against them, they come retaliate here. People here feel attacked, they 
entrench themselves in their views. Essentially this creates an "Us vs Them" 

As community leaders you must try to be aware of the impact your words will 
have on said community. I am still a beginner. r/golang was my entry point but 
the likely logical evolution would've likely put me either here or in the 
Google Group eventually as I got more comfortable with the language. Now, this 
seems less probable. Not because I think the discussion here is less, or more 
valuable, but because when I was in reddit and then "We faced destruction! 
Together!" against "The Go team members who wanted to destroy us!", this 
creates a very ugly bias. 

Fragmentation of a community, however unintended, should be something that 
leadership should very consciously try to avoid. Rooting people in their 
communities, effectively hamstringing horizontal mobility between platforms due 
to bias is a serious problem. 

Even if you see the reddit community as an inferior option compared to the 
others, it's important realize that it serves a purpose. As leaders you must 
try to be more magnanimous and practice tolerance. In the end we're all 
participating in one way or another because we love the language, and want to 
learn and see more. 

Additional Resource:
HackerNews is also talking about this:

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