2018. november 12., hétfő 9:08:28 UTC+1 időpontban Iván Corrales Solera a 
következőt írta:
> Hey Tamás,
> First of all, thank you for your feedback. Well, actually as I commented 
> on the tile "takes the hassle out of working with arrays", so yes so far 
> only slices are supported, 
> In regarding to the lazy or versatile, I don't get you I mean in the 
> example below:
> package main
> import (
>    "github.com/wesovilabs/koazee"
>    "github.com/wesovilabs/koazee/logger"
> )
> var numbers = []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1}
> func main() {
>    logger.Enabled = true
>    var stream = koazee.Stream().
>       Filter(func(val int) bool {
>          return val%2 == 0
>       }).
>       Map(func(val int) int {
>          return val * 2
>       }).
>       RemoveDuplicates()
>    stream.With(numbers).
>       Reduce(func(acc, val int) int {
>          return acc + val
>       })
> }
> nothing is evaluated until you call Reduce function, and in case of some 
> of the previous evaluation fail reduce won't be performed.
stream.With stores the slice and calls the "run" method.
"run" calls "items", which copies the _whole_ slice (shallow), with 
reflection (slow), then returns the fresh copied slice in a Stream.

This is nowhere not Lazy.

In regard to the versatility, Koazee provide a "generic" support for any 
> type of slices, as you can see in the examples or in the documentation no 
> casting are required for handling your arrays.
> I hope this can resolve your doubts, and hanks again for your feedback,, 
> really appreciate it

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