On 2/24/21 9:53 AM, roger peppe wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Feb 2021 at 12:10, Kevin Chadwick <m8il1i...@gmail.com
> <mailto:m8il1i...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I only instigate panic manually for one thing. Perhaps that will change, 
> but
>     I doubt it.
>     If I want to send out or write a log to disk then I will call panic rather
>     than os.exit, upon a log.fatal scenario. Think buffered go routine 
> logging.
>     Saving the coder from having to think about it, once initialised.
>     Which produces some ugly output and likely extra processing.
>     Is it possible to call panic in a way that does not kill the process like
>     os.Exit, but without log pollution?
>     I am solely thinking of manually instigated panics, so a noop panic called
>     something like terminate?
>     Or is this bad practice, even when a program is in good operational order
>     when instigated, as the OS is better at cleanup?
> Personally, I'd advise against using panic or log.Fatal in this kind of 
> context
> - I'd just bite the bullet and return errors instead.
> This makes it easy to move code between contexts if you need to without 
> worrying
> about non-local control flow.

Yes, I avoid log.Fatal, wherever possible.

However, if I am for example running a drop privileges function and it fails
then I want an immediate exit. To avoid any potential of fragility.

Actually it seems that the panic never gets logged anyway and as the master
process is unlikely to fatal then a panic is unlikely to ever be seen. Perhaps
not ideal, but it works.

> For unexpected panics, you can still use recover to flush your log buffers,
> assuming the panic happens in code that's been called by your code.

I think I would rather os.Exit ASAP, in the case of an unexpected panic.

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