The banner is not related to the (US presidential) election. It is also not
partisan - it is purely issue-oriented and not associated to a particular
party (of any country).

As such, nothing has really changed since the topic last came up

On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 10:59 AM mortdeus <> wrote:

> ugh i really need to hire an editor.
> On Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 4:57:16 AM UTC-5 mortdeus wrote:
>> First of all full disclosure, I just want to apologize ahead of time to
>> anybody who finds what I am about to say offensive. I understand politics
>> are really important to a lot of people (especially right now) so I
>> understand how just my suggestion of this might offend people who care a
>> lot about the issue. And for that I sincerely do apologize to anybody here
>> who might find what I am about to say offensive.
>> But with that being said, I full heartedly believe that what I am about
>> to say is extremely important towards trying to maintain the healthy
>> culture we've all been working to build for the last 10 years.
>> Leave your politics at home where they belong.
>> This ad should have never been put up to begin with because frankly this
>> community is far more important (and far larger) than America's general
>> incapability to get along with one another.
>> When I type into my browser and click send, I view this as my
>> escape hatch from the absolutely and obnoxiously too loud world were
>> constantly forced to listen to, because frankly social media decided to
>> give everybody megaphones and started rewarding people with fame for being
>> smart enough (and more concerning physically attractive enough) to promote
>> a message that can be heard through all the noise pollution.
>> So honestly, while I didn't say anything about it, but honestly when I
>> saw the ad a few weeks before the election it seriously broke my heart. It
>> didn't piss me off, it made me literally want to cry, not because I don't
>> believe we shouldn't do more to help fight poverty (because the reality is
>> that while we might have a racism problem in America, we definitely have a
>> poverty problem and the later is far easier to quantify and effectively
>> address) but because I literally thought we all understood, in our
>> community the only thing we could care less about than how you'd all band
>> together to vote politically, is how you'd all band together to vote for
>> "quality of life" additions to the language that would probably ruin it.
>> As a registered Republican (but not really a Trump supporter) I am going
>> to say that Black Lives Matter, but not more than this community being
>> impartial to the radical notion that we have to be willing to accept even
>> white supremacists into our ranks, if they like to code in the best
>> programming language on the planet. Because frankly it is through a united,
>> loving and deliberately NON-PARTISANLY inclusive community structure that
>> ultimately allows us to defeat them at their own game.
>> All I am saying is we need to take down the "conservatives not welcome
>> here" sign.
>> And if me saying that offends you, then like I said I am sorry, but
>> imagine if that tag said "have you been to church lately?" and asked you to
>> donate to Chris Pratt's church because that is align with the political
>> campaign strategy that aimed to keep Trump in office, when all you want to
>> do is think about creative ways to move bits around.
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