On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 1:26 AM, Toby <tobias.ro...@sunnymail.mobi> wrote:
> Reading the doc carefully it tells me that indexes are created based
> on the queries I make. Hence if I never query an entity on a certain
> property there should be no index.

That's not exactly what it says. Only the development servers
"creates" indexes automatically by inserting a few lines in your
datastore-indexes-auto.xml. (It doesn't actually create indexes as the
development server doesn't need indexes to access data, I believe.)
The point of that mechanism is to make it easy for you to know which
indexes to request on the production appengine: just look in the
datastore-indexes-auto.xml, and copy the lines that you want from it.
If so configured, appcfg.sh will copy the entire content of
datastore-indexes-auto.xml to the production server.

> Also in the app-engine administration there is a menu entry "Indexes"
> which only lists two indexes that I am actually using.
> Now if I understand right per default many more indexes are created if
> I need them or not.  This should be mentioned more clearly because it
> could help to save a lot of space.

That's it. Most of the indexes space is likely to be coming from
implicit indexes.

> Is there an JDO annotation to disable indexes on properties or do I
> need to disable auto-index?

There is:

  @Extension(vendorName = "datanucleus", key = "gae.unindexed", value="true")
  private String unindexedString;

It's in the doc:


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