> Well, it sounds so. But does (or can/will) Datanucleus support at least
> some of the features Jeff has mentioned?

Yes, several actually. And nothing is "dog slow", ... though why dogs
get such a bad reputation I've no idea; take a greyhound for
example ... :-)

The question was "is caching in DataNucleus simple and transparent";
that's the question I answered.

Not sure also why people always want to make things into a "mines
better than yours contest". The only statements you'll see from me on
here are in answer to specific questions about software that uses
DataNucleus (and Googles plugin does that, with the emphasis on being
owned by Google, and not being part of the DataNucleus project), with
the attempt to aid that person use the software better. Nowhere have I
ever made any comment on Objectify's capabilities or made any
criticism of it (or of similar software, such as Twig, Morphia) -
perhaps due to the fact that I understand only too well how much time
and effort is taken to develop something of that form. All software
has particular features, and their own advantages and
disadvantages ... DataNucleus (and Google's plugin) has plenty of
things going for it, as does Objectify. It's for the user to choose
what best fits *their* requirements using their judgement, not for
people to spend time criticising.

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