
This is a request thread.

I would like to request admins to allow us separate options for submitting for 
small and large differently, just like in old system, because if we develop a 
solution for small first and submit and later on make solution for large, we 
have to incur a penalty.

The benefit of different submit would be for both users as well as the judge. 
Many times people know that their solution is intended for small only, So, if 
we have different submit options, judge can be relieved for running the same 
solution for large data sets. 

Also, if a user intend to submit large later on, He too will be saved from 
minute penalty, as well as judge will not have to judge small data set again, 
which helps to reduce overload.

Concluding, The system i recommend (request), is the one same as old platform, 
with the change of uploading source code instead of working with test files, 
with same penalty system as earlier.

I know this might involve the amount of work i can't even imagine, but surely 
This system is worth a thought. So i shared my opinion. Rest, as always, will 
be your choice.


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