On Apr 30, 6:02 am, "geocode...@gmail.com" <geocode...@gmail.com>
> On Apr 30, 4:49 am, "geocode...@gmail.com" <geocode...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > On Apr 30, 1:25 am, Neena Mathew <neena...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > Thankyou for ur reply. Due to security I cant disclose the link.
> > > As you said markers are plotted randomly when thr are 1000's of addresses 
> > > to
> > > be plotted. I used to wonder abt it also.
> > > I'll suggest the team to get the cooridinates address.
> > > Is there any other way for it to plot all the addresses from the xml file.
> > See this example (sorry, not thousands of addresses, but it shows the
> > problem):
> >http://www.geocodezip.com/example_geomulti_bad3_xml.asp
And here is a throttled version, that will even create a copy of the
xml with the coordinates added
(no guarantees...):


 You can even point it at your xml:


(again no guarantees...)

  -- Larry

(edit to fix url)

> > > Thankyou,
> > > Neenz
> > > On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 12:22 PM, Andrew Leach <
> > > andrew.leac...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > > > On Apr 30, 6:20 am, Neenz <neena...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > > I had done a application which plots address in google map after
> > > > > writting addresses to a xml file. My problem is that if user select a
> > > > > particular district (this is the requirement of the user) may have not
> > > > > more than 15 addresses to plot. All these addresses are ploted. If I
> > > > > selected All locations (ie this option have gets the addresses of
> > > > > all) , its writes all the address to xml file, but all the locations
> > > > > are not plotted on the map. Cananyone please help to plot all the
> > > > > values.
> > > > There's not really enough information there (where's the link, for a
> > > > start?)
> > > > I suspect you are geocoding addresses and fifteen will work, but more
> > > > than that and you start to get missing points, apparently at random.
> > > > If that's the case, you mustn't do it that way. You need to retrieve
> > > > geographic coordinates to plot, not addresses. See
> > > >http://www.econym.org.uk/gmap/geomulti.htm
> > > > If you are really writing out an XML file and reading it for each set
> > > > of addresses requested, you might run into problems on a website with
> > > > multiple accesses at the same time. Can't tell for sure without a
> > > > link.
> > > > Andrew
> > > --
> > > Regards ,
> > > Neena
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