Oooh, sorry. You were asking the *hard* question, not the easy one.
I think the short answer is that there's no easy answer. See for some
of the reasons. Another short answer is "I don't get this stuff but Joel


On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 12:13 PM, Ed <> wrote:

> Tanks Ray,
> I understand what you mean but don't really see how this could solve
> my problem.
> My problem is to detect a single focus/blur event of a group of
> widgets.
> Looking at your explanation I do translate these events to a general
> ValidationChange event.
> However, to trigger the validation of my composite widget I have to
> detect a single blur (like explained above of the examples).
> Reading your explanation; my problem is the implementation of this
> semantic event as the client won't see this blur/focus event directly,
> but the ValidationChangeEvent.
> Is there anyway to "analyze" the upcomming gwt events, when receiving
> a gwt event? In this way I can see if a focus event of one of the
> widgets in the group is following the blur event, so I can decide if
> the blur event is a blur of the whole group of widgets....
> >


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