Yesterday my test was run with success and last night it failed again,
without anything changing in the meantime :(

I was digging a bit more in the GWT Junit test code and I think the
test fails because I don't use a servlet that is hosted by the Tomcat
container started by GWT.
Like Freeland mentions above, I have to contact the backend within 60
sec to overcome the timeout exception. I think I have to contact a
servlet run in the GWT Tomcat instance as otherwise it's not seen as a
backend contact.
Is this the true ?

In my case, because I run in noserver mode, I run my own tomcat
standalone server and use a proxy servlet that extends from
GWTShellServlet to forward any business/servlet calls to my standalone
server. So I never use any servlet in the GWT tomcat instance and as
such receive a timeout exception when my tests don't run fast enough,
which is what sometimes happens....

Please feedback on this and how I can solve this ?
The only option I see now is: disable my GWT test cases as the current
sometimes-failures is unacceptable on the build machine :(
I have no idea how to solve it otherwise...

On Oct 3, 8:10 pm, Ed <> wrote:
> Just played with the -runStyle Manual option....
> I am afraid that is not a correct option for me as I will run the
> tests during the nightly build and with -runStyle option Manual will
> stop when running the test and I have to manually copy/past the
> displayed url, like explained 
> in:
> Of course this isn't possible during a nightly build.
> I will try the option "-prod", this might bypass the HtmlUnit code
> that might give problems as you explain above.
> I tried this option in Eclipse and the test do run fine with this
> option.
> I hope this will solve the problem, as I have no idea what else it
> could be :(
> In Eclipse, the GWT tests always run fine (through launch files, I
> don't use the plugin), and never give me the timeout problem.
> If you have any more ideas, giving my posts above, please let me know?


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