On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 10:12 AM, Ed <post2edb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I found the servlet you meant: JUnitHostImpl
> I see that the url that touches this servlet is correctly forwarded by
> the proxy and received by this servlet when debugging in Eclipse:
> The url that touches it: /
> com.bv.gwt.profile.intern.ProfileGwtTest.JUnit/junithost (also appears
> in the logging below)
> However, when it's running during the nightly build and fails, I's
> hard to find out what went wrong as the this servlet doesn't contain
> debug/trace logging. It would be nice to see the path of execution in
> the logging such that I can see why the servlet isn't touched.
> Any idea's how to solve this?
> Or any idea about what would be going wrong ?

If it works when you run it directly, yet fails in the continuous build,
then something is different between the two that matters.  I would suggest
running the test in your continuous build environment with remote debugging
enabled and attaching to it with a debugger to see what is going on.

John A. Tamplin
Software Engineer (GWT), Google


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