> Do we have an easy way to exclude these folders to see if it improves 
> things?

Quick and dirty: I overrode the descendToFindResources method to exclude 
.svn files (note that the file is excluded before isDirectory/isFile calls, 
avoiding an extra i/o):

    File[] children = dir.listFiles();
    for (File child : children) {
      if (child.getName().equals(".svn")) // hardcoded filter here
      String childPath = dirPath + child.getName();
      if (child.isDirectory()) {
Reload time goes down from 2,8s to 1,1sec. The ability to filter files here 
could lead to interesting speed improvements.

Another possible improvement: I got 4874 calls to file.lastModified() in a 
single browser refresh, for 2088 unique files. Caching the result per run 
could avoid 50% i/o and reload time would go below 1s. I have no idea if 
it's realistic/easy to do though, I havent dug in the code ;)

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