We're having an issue related to the java7->java8 update, the build isn't 
properly including the full sources for the included sample projects. By 
itself, not a big deal, but it could imply that other assumptions of the 
ant build are broken too. I'm looking into it, we'll have an updated 
release candidate when we figure it out.

https://github.com/gwtproject/gwt/issues/9682: The 2.9 candidate was cut 
before the java.io changes came in, so this will not be included in the 
first 2.9 at least, though will likely show up later (See the 4th point in 
this email).

Removing validation: as a rule, the main GWT project rarely, if ever, 
removes anything within a major release. This is very deliberate, so that 
updating to the latest release (to fix security issues, to support 
newer/changing/breaking browsers, improve performance) is accessible to 
stable projects in maintenance mode, with no surprises. Since gwt-dev and 
gwt-user are strongly tied to each other, it isn't feasible to even suggest 
that someone update part of their project, but continue to use older jars 
(such as updating the compiler to fix some issue, but still keeping an old 
gwt-user so that the now-deprecated validation doesn't change or 
disappear). This is why each module that is being broken out will now live 
in its own git repo, own jar, and be versioned separately from the others. 
My best guess here is that we can try for a "minimal gwt-user" which just 
has enough to let the compiler work, and assume that developers switch to 
the org.gwtproject modules that they want, plus anything thirdparty like 
validation. That said, validation is basically the only thing that _isn't_ 
ready for j2cl, and there is a small gwt-validation project that has gotten 
started that is compatible with both gwt2 and j2cl - do you have plans to 
finish https://gitlab.com/ManfredTremmel/gwt-bean-validators/-/issues/3? 
Both topics (further modularizing gwt-user, and apt for validation) are 
probably better discussed in another thread, or in gitter.

CL 19800: Agreed, sucks that this fell through the cracks. Two thoughts: 
lets get that into gwt-i18n as soon as possible, and lets try to land that 
patch after 2.9.0 is cut and shipped. The plan is that 2.9.x gets updated 
regularly (6-8 weeks sort of thing) with any changes, and marked with a 
date rather than just an occasional version.

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