Dropping IE 8-10 shouldn't really hurt. Companies that require it are 
probably not upgrading GWT in a fast pace anyways.

However I wouldn't drop IE 11 anytime soon. IE 11 itself is tied to the 
lifecycle of Microsoft's operating systems, which means for Windows 10 it 
is supported until 2025 (for now). So just because MS and Google drop 
support for IE 11 in some/all of their products, the browser itself is 
still generally supported by MS. So we should think twice before removing 
IE 11 from a library such as GWT, even if it means to decline/revert 
certain commits if they break IE 11. From own experience I have usually 
seen something around 8% of IE 11 usage in GWT based apps.

However I am pretty sure more and more companies will announce dropping IE 
11 this year or next year. With MS and Google starting, this could easily 
have a domino effect. However GWT also also strongly used internally inside 
companies so it might not have that much of an effect in that area.

If we ditch IE 8-10 and only leaving gecko1_8 and safari, can't we kill 
them both as well and put them together? Are there so many differences in 
code between both? From my work migrating GWT code to elemental2/JsInterop 
I had the feeling that only some minor stuff is different between both. So 
there shouldn't be that much overhead in code size and performance doing 
(cached) runtime checks instead.

-- J.

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