Ian Bambury schrieb:
> For example, if you are writing applications where browsers are
> forbidden, then why would you write it as a browser-based application
> and then convert to a desktop app and never use the browser version?

If you're developing an application that should be sold as
standard-application, you can extend the number of possible
platforms to more than just six browsers if the same code-
base can be used for browsers and desktop.

> And if you have a PIM, then surely there's a better way of presenting
> things than putting the whole darn lot in one tree - you can't *see* the
> whole tree in one go, so what is the point?

You don't have all things in the tree but the thing that are
inside easily go to that number. A tree showing only the
structure of an IFTMIN can't be reduced. Etc. etc.

> And if you *do* have to,
> then as above, what is the point of building it as a browser-based app,
> converting it, and not being able to use the browser version?

It's the parallel use, baby, because both, the desktop-version and
the browser-version are just the clients doing the presentation.
Data-retrieval and business-logic still happens on the server-side.
If you use Swing for that, you can offer the whole thing as
Webstart-application as well, etc.

Regards, Lothar

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