On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Allahbaksh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> We are distributing an application. We want to obfuscate the server
> side code to the client so that they should not reverse engineer the
> code. Is it works fine?
> What will happend to servlets? Whether they work fine?
> Regards,
> Allahbaksh
> >

Hi Allahbaksh,

Obfuscating code is not going to stop any determined person from reverse
engineering your code, it might make it slightly more difficult but that is
about it. The code should still work otherwise the obfuscation failed and
you simply broke your own code.

In the end any and all code you write can be reversed engineered regardless
of obfuscation or any other technique used to make it harder to do so. So in
that respect you will have to look at the cost you make obfuscating your
code as opposed to the risk you run with someone actually taking the trouble
of reverse engineering your code. How much will you loose if someone reverse
engineers your code in a week and how much will you loose if it takes them a
month... you might very well find that the cost of hiding you code is not
worth the money.



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