
I just integrating activities and got stuck when it comes to list 
selections. Hopefully someone with more practically experience can help me.

The application has one activity mapper that holds providers (GIN) of 
activity proxies (code splitting) and creates new, clean activity instances 
in its getActivity method. After creation it sets the current place. So 
pretty standard stuff I think.

Now I have for example an EmployeePlace that has two variables: 1.) the 
employer id, 2.) the employee id. The view for that place contains a list 
and a content area for the selected employee's details. So my 
EmployeeActivity uses the employer id to fetch & fill the list of employees 
and the employee id for an optional pre-selection.

My problem is that when I select something in the employee list I do a 
EmployeePlace(currentEmployerId, selectedEmployeeId)) so that the history 
token reflects the current selection. But as I always create new activities 
the whole mechanism starts again and for each selection in my list the 
activity fetches all employees, fills the list and pre-selects the employee. 
So it doesn't feel right (loading overlay for the list on selection) and 
creates a lot of network communication overhead.

So is there a way to update the URL history token and NOT changing the place 
so that the activity not gets restarted?

I have tried to implement hashcode() and equals() in the EmployeePlace in a 
way that two places are equal once the employer ids are equal. That way the 
activity does not get recreated and started if the employee id changes but 
the URL does not reflect the list selection and 
placeController.getWhere()returns a place with no employee id (basically the 
"old" place prior 

Is there a way to solve this? I think I clearly missing something. Seems 
like a standard use case and currently I have no real idea how it can work 
without singleton activities.  

Thanks J.

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