On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 1:56 AM, Brian Slesinsky <bslesin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It will be more convenient for Google if all Java code and Java resources
> (that is, things in the classpath) are contained in directories named either
> "java" or "javatests", and the path from there is where the file should show
> up in the classpath. We can copy files but it makes builds or mirroring
> slower and/or less transparent.

I fully understand that we'll have to make some concessions for GWT
itself to make it easier for Google (even though Matthew actually told
me the opposite); you don't expand variables in the About.properties
for instance, so the About class has to cope with placeholder values.
The scope of this poll is however not about GWT itself actually (we'll
see if we can apply the outcome to GWT or not; I'd love to do it so
that GWT can serve as a reference, but if it's problematic for you
then we'll do without and/or take a few liberties).

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