
This is my last post in this thread, since it's pretty clear to me that this is going nowhere. But just on the off chance that you really are missing something instead of being willfully obtuse, I will try one last time.

On 10/9/16 2:15 PM, Filipus Klutiero wrote:
That is not even what I meant. These reports were marked as incomplete
when there was not a single comment asking for more information
displayed in Bugzilla. is the clearest
example, since there was no comment at all. Even now, nobody has
requested any information, yet the report displays as incomplete.

I covered this in my previous response. The commenter knew you could not provide information because your account was disabled, hence there was no point in asking you for it...

I agree that this whole situation is suboptimal, but that's pretty much the case by definition once an account is disabled. seems to be
the justification.

The only sentence related to this which I can identify there is the
unfortunately your activities here have left me with little choice but
to disable your account.
Since the author did not specify what he meant by "here", which
activities he referred to or even anything which he would consider
suboptimal in these unspecified activities, "non-justification" would
seem like a better description of that sentence. specifies the activities, along with a clear warning that continuing them may lead to your account being disabled.

As the forwarded mail shows, I have requested an actual justification

I suspect that is in fact the same as the commenter in and he may not feel like it's worth wasting his time to repeat to you again the things he already said.

Obviously, everyone does errors, and an organization as large as Mozilla
cannot avoid some errors, which will be serious at times. If my own
account has been disabled, there is reason for concern about other
disabled accounts.

Sure. We generally don't disable accounts lightly, or without warning. In this case there was warning; see above. There are cases (e.g. obviously throwaway accounts created for link-spam purposes) where disabling is done without warning, but this was not the case here, clearly.

If the affected contributor has received no justification, nor even a
notification, let alone an explanation of the process which led to the
decision, no warnings

There were pretty clear warnings; see above.

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