Looking for feedback/strategies in setting up several GPFS servers with local 
SAS. They would all be part of the same file system. The systems are all 
similar in configuration - 70 4TB drives.

Options Iā€™m considering:

- Create RAID arrays of the disks on each server (worried about the RAID 
rebuild time when a drive fails with 4, 6, 8TB drives)
- No RAID with 2 replicas, single drive per NSD. When a drive fails, recreate 
the NSD ā€“ but then I need to fix up the data replication via restripe
- FPO ā€“ with multiple failure groups -  letting the system manage replica 
placement and then have GPFS due the restripe on disk failure automatically

Comments or other ideas welcome.

Bob Oesterlin
Sr Principal Storage Engineer, Nuance

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