> I am really not sure what the issue with the code path for this as it
> is 35 lines of C including comments to get the fileset if one exists
> for a given path on a GPFS file system. You open a random file on the
> path, call gpfs_fcntl and then gpfs_getfilesetid. It's then a simple
> call to gpfs_quotactl.
The main problem is that the API requires opening a file to query the fileset id,
which in turn conflicts with sharemodes and can break oplocks. It also incurs
the additional overhead of four calls. Due to another limitation, this is done
for every I/O call in the worst case. The workaround for not opening the file
would be to determine the directory holding the file and opening that. This
is complicated, but still has the overhead of the additional calls.
The short-answer to all of that is that from a Samba perspective,
--filesetdf is the better option to determine the fileset quota.
The API calls to query for user and group quota simply take a path, so they
don't have the same complications as the query for the fileset quota.

Christof Schmitt || IBM || Spectrum Scale Development || Tucson, AZ
christof.schm...@us.ibm.com  ||  +1-520-799-2469    (T/L: 321-2469)
----- Original message -----
From: Jonathan Buzzard <jonathan.buzz...@strath.ac.uk>
Sent by: gpfsug-discuss-boun...@spectrumscale.org
To: gpfsug main discussion list <gpfsug-discuss@spectrumscale.org>
Subject: Re: [gpfsug-discuss] SMB quotas query
Date: Wed, May 16, 2018 2:02 AM
On Wed, 2018-05-16 at 08:51 +0000, Sobey, Richard A wrote:
> For us the only one that matters is the fileset quota. With or
> without –perfileset-quota set, we simply see a quota value for one of
> the filesets that is mapped to a drive, and every other mapped drives
> inherits the same value. whether it’s true or not.
> Just about to do some SMB tracing for my PMR.

I have a fully working solution that uses the dfree option in Samba if
you want.

I am with you here in that a lot of places will be carving a GPFS file
system up with file sets with a quota that are then shared to a group
of users and you want the disk size, and amount free to show up  on the
clients based on the quota for the fileset not the whole file system.

I am really not sure what the issue with the code path for this as it
is 35 lines of C including comments to get the fileset if one exists
for a given path on a GPFS file system. You open a random file on the
path, call gpfs_fcntl and then gpfs_getfilesetid. It's then a simple
call to gpfs_quotactl.


Jonathan A. Buzzard                         Tel: +44141-5483420
HPC System Administrator, ARCHIE-WeSt.
University of Strathclyde, John Anderson Building, Glasgow. G4 0NG

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