as Dominic said.. .. your are absolutely right .. for mmbackup you need dedicated inode spaces .. so "independent" filesets .. (in case I  you wanna  be able to mmbackup on a fileset level or multiple mmbackup's in parallel .. )

From:        "Peinkofer, Stephan" <>
To:        gpfsug main discussion list <>
Date:        08/13/2018 09:26 AM
Subject:        Re: [gpfsug-discuss] GPFS Independent Fileset Limit vs Quotas?
Sent by:

Dear Marc,

OK, so let’s give it a try:

[root@datdsst100 pr74qo]# mmlsfileset dsstestfs01
Filesets in file system 'dsstestfs01':
Name                     Status    Path                                    
root                     Linked    /dss/dsstestfs01                        
quota_test_independent   Linked    /dss/dsstestfs01/quota_test_independent
quota_test_dependent     Linked    /dss/dsstestfs01/quota_test_independent/quota_test_dependent

[root@datdsst100 pr74qo]# mmsetquota dsstestfs01:quota_test_independent --user a2822bp --block 1G:1G --files 10:10
[root@datdsst100 pr74qo]# mmsetquota dsstestfs01:quota_test_dependent --user a2822bp --block 10G:10G --files 100:100

[root@datdsst100 pr74qo]#  mmrepquota -u -v dsstestfs01:quota_test_independent
*** Report for USR quotas on dsstestfs01
                         Block Limits                                    |                     File Limits
Name       fileset    type             KB      quota      limit   in_doubt    grace |    files   quota    limit in_doubt    grace entryType
a2822bp    quota_test_independent USR               0    1048576    1048576          0     none |        0      10       10        0     none e        
root       quota_test_independent USR               0          0          0          0     none |        1       0        0        0     none i        

[root@datdsst100 pr74qo]#  mmrepquota -u -v dsstestfs01:quota_test_dependent
*** Report for USR quotas on dsstestfs01
                         Block Limits                                    |                     File Limits
Name       fileset    type             KB      quota      limit   in_doubt    grace |    files   quota    limit in_doubt    grace entryType
a2822bp    quota_test_dependent USR               0   10485760   10485760          0     none |        0     100      100        0     none e        
root       quota_test_dependent USR               0          0          0          0     none |        1       0        0        0     none i        

Looks good …

[root@datdsst100 pr74qo]# cd /dss/dsstestfs01/quota_test_independent/quota_test_dependent/
[root@datdsst100 quota_test_dependent]# for foo in `seq 1 99`; do touch file${foo}; chown a2822bp:pr28fa file${foo}; done

[root@datdsst100 quota_test_dependent]#  mmrepquota -u -v dsstestfs01:quota_test_dependent
*** Report for USR quotas on dsstestfs01
                         Block Limits                                    |                     File Limits
Name       fileset    type             KB      quota      limit   in_doubt    grace |    files   quota    limit in_doubt    grace entryType
a2822bp    quota_test_dependent USR               0   10485760   10485760          0     none |       99     100      100        0     none e        
root       quota_test_dependent USR               0          0          0          0     none |        1       0        0        0     none i        
[root@datdsst100 quota_test_dependent]#  mmrepquota -u -v dsstestfs01:quota_test_independent
*** Report for USR quotas on dsstestfs01
                         Block Limits                                    |                     File Limits
Name       fileset    type             KB      quota      limit   in_doubt    grace |    files   quota    limit in_doubt    grace entryType
a2822bp    quota_test_independent USR               0    1048576    1048576          0     none |        0      10       10        0     none e        
root       quota_test_independent USR               0          0          0          0     none |        1       0        0        0     none i        

So it seems that per fileset per user quota is really not depending on independence. But what is the documentation then meaning with:
>>> User group and user quotas can be tracked at the file system level or per independent fileset.

However, there still remains the problem with mmbackup and mmapplypolicy …
And if you look at some of the RFEs, like the one from DESY, they want even more than 10k independent filesets …

Best Regards,
Stephan Peinkofer
Stephan Peinkofer
Dipl. Inf. (FH), M. Sc. (TUM)

Leibniz Supercomputing Centre
Data and Storage Division
Boltzmannstraße 1, 85748 Garching b. München
Tel: +49(0)89 35831-8715     Fax: +49(0)89 35831-9700

On 12. Aug 2018, at 15:05, Marc A Kaplan <> wrote:

That's interesting, I confess I never read that piece of documentation.
What's also interesting, is that if you look at this doc for quotas:

The word independent appears only once in a "Note":
It is recommended to create an independent fileset for the project.

AND if you look at the mmchfs or mmchcr command you see:


Sets the scope of user and group quota limit checks to the individual fileset level, rather than to the entire file system.

With no mention of "dependent" nor "independent"...

"Peinkofer, Stephan" <>
gpfsug main discussion list <>
08/11/2018 03:03 AM
Re: [gpfsug-discuss] GPFS Independent Fileset Limit
Sent by:

Dear Marc,
so at least your documentation says:
>>> User group and user quotas can be tracked at the file system level or per independent fileset.
But obviously as a customer I don't know if that "Really" depends on independence.
Currently about 70% of our filesets in the Data Science Storage systems get backed up to ISP. But that number may change over time as it depends on the requirements of our projects. For them it is just selecting "Protect this DSS Container by ISP" in a Web form an our portal then automatically does all the provisioning of the ISP Node to one of our ISP servers, rolling out the new dsm config files to the backup workers and so on.

Best Regards,
Stephan Peinkofer

From:<> on behalf of Marc A Kaplan <>
Friday, August 10, 2018 7:15 PM
gpfsug main discussion list
Re: [gpfsug-discuss] GPFS Independent Fileset Limit

I know quota stuff was cooked into GPFS before we even had "independent filesets"...
So which particular quota features or commands or options now depend on "independence"?! Really?

Yes, independent fileset performance for mmapplypolicy and mmbackup scales with the inodespace sizes. But I'm curious to know how many of those indy filesets are mmback-ed-up.

Appreciate your elaborations, 'cause even though I've worked on some of this code, I don't know how/when/if customers push which limits.


Dear Marc,
well the primary reasons for us are:
- Per fileset quota (this seems to work also for dependent filesets as far as I know)
- Per user per fileset quota (this seems only to work for independent filesets)
- The dedicated inode space to speedup mmpolicy runs which only have to be applied to a specific subpart of the file system
- Scaling mmbackup by backing up different filesets to different TSM Servers economically
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